Romantic Love Poem: Give Me A Chance

Published by @RodrickWrites on

Romantic Love Poem: Give Me A Chance by Rodrick Bates

Not once in my life have I thought that I was perfect
But I have a strong feeling that I’m perfect for you.
When it comes to being loved, you deserve it.
You deserve to feel the way that a woman is supposed to.
I just want to be the one who holds your heart and shows you.

I feel like God has placed a gift right before my eyes
And to not ever open it would leave me hurting inside.
I know God didn’t put you here to live this life alone.
If you give me a chance to give your heart a happy home,
I will always love you like a perfect slow song.

Give me a chance to show you a man who understands
What to do with a love like yours once it’s in his hands
And I will love you each day like I’ll never see you again
I’ll take your thoughts and make your concerns my own.
Whenever you talk your voice is where I’ll belong.

I can see you and me taking long walks on the beach;
Holding hands, barefooted in sand till we run out of land.
I want to walk with you through a love life that never ends.
Every part of me is attracted to everything about you.
After waking up, I realized my every dream was about you.

If you give me a chance, I’ll give you a love that’s ageless,
Timeless and priceless that you can walk through life with.
I want to write a book of love that turns with endless pages.
All I’m missing is the love of my life to write it with.
Give me a chance and I’ll make sure this story forever lives.

Categories: Love Poems